Jigsaw PSHE


PSHE at Ashbrow

Our PSHE scheme in school is Jigsaw, a mindful approach to PSHE which integrates personal, social, health and economic education with an emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and SMSC. Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

Through our Jigsaw programme, we aim to provide children with solid learning opportunities whilst improving their emotional well-being and mental health. PSHE at Ashbrow intends to help pupils see themselves as positive human beings and well-rounded global citizens through sharing cultures and growing empathy ready for life in modern Britain.



RSE (Relationships & Sex Education)


Click here to view our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Policy including Relationships and Sex Education

At Ashbrow, we have been an early adopter of the new RSE guidelines which means we have had a year to fine-tune the curriculum and ensure it is age and developmentally appropriate for our pupils.

It is in our best interests to ensure pupils receive the well-rounded PSHE knowledge they are currently offered in addition to extra topics such as sun safety and mental health awareness. The Jigsaw curriculum has been updated to meet government guidelines and updates will continually be accepted and used at Ashbrow.

As we move forward and continually monitor our curriculum, we welcome suggestions and questions from our school community. Please do not hesitate to get in touch regarding PSHE in school.


What is taught when?

Jigsaw is a spiral curriculum design, therefore year on year lessons are built upon to create strong, resilient learners.


The Jigsaw programme consists of 6 topics:

* Being Me in My World

* Celebrating Difference

* Dreams and Goals

* Healthy Me

* Relationships

* Changing Me

Please click here to see what is covered during PSHE lessons throughout school.


My Happy Mind

In addition to our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum, we also use the 'My Happy Mind' programme, which is an NHS-backed curriculum in primary schools, secondary schools, and nurseries. The purpose of  'My Happy Mind' is to build resilience, self-esteem and happiness in children. 

For more information, have a look at the overview below:

Awareness Curriculum - Year 5 and Year 6
We have developed a bespoke Awareness Curriculum for Upper Key Stage 2 pupils. 
We address key issues faced by our society and by our local community to ensure that our pupils are provided with the knowledge and tools to enable them to deal with difficult situations and make good decisions to keep themselves safe. All parents have been given an overview of the topics covered. We aim to further develop the Awareness Curriculum over the coming year.  It has given our pupils the opportunity to have discussions about some difficult and sensitive topics.

Ashbrow School's Awareness Curriculum Overview for Parents
