

We are all volunteers who wish to make a positive contribution to the school and the education of all its children.

The governing body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the Headteacher, whom we appoint, to promote the continuous improvement in the performance of the school. We play an important part in raising school standards through our three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating school performance.

The full governing body meets once every half term. The governing body makes collective decisions.

As a body, we elect a Chair and Vice Chair.

A governor’s term of office is 4 years.

Parent Governors are elected when a vacancy arises, by a ballot of eligible parents (see Parent Governors’ information). Local Authority Governors are selected by the governing body from a list of governors appointed by the local authority.  Community Governors are appointed by the governing body.  Staff Governors are drawn from both teaching and non teaching staff groups and are elected by the staff.

We have adopted the Kirklees Model Terms of Reference as outlined in Kirklees Committee Matters booklet 2020. These are reviewed at the start of each academic year.

The governing body of Ashbrow School seeks to reflect fully the population of the school and welcomes members from all sections of our community.

The agendas and minutes of our meetings are made available to the local authority and are at the school for anyone to read via the school office. We do, however, maintain the right to confidentiality where appropriate. Non-governors may attend meetings at the invitation of the governing body.

Click here to see the Register of Governors Business interests. 

This also includes governor attendance at meetings over the last academic year, relevant business or personal interests and any other educational establishments governed.


Below are the Minutes for the Full Governing Body, Resources Committee and the Standards and Effectiveness Committee.

Full Governing Body


Prior to academic year 21-22, governors met in two committees.  Meeting minutes can be found below.