


School Admissions always have a long waiting list for Reception places at our school . Should you decide to decline your allocated place, please notify School Admissions in writingThis will free up the place for a child on the waiting list.  The School Admissions Team can be contacted at :- First Floor, Kirkgate Buildings,  Byram Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1BY.  Telephone 01484 225007.

The school is subject to the local authority’s admission arrangements and these can be accessed by clicking here. Please feel free to contact the school office (01484 452128) if you have any questions. We are happy to help.

Nursery Places: We take registrations for places in Nursery from the child's 2nd birthday. Forms are available from the KS1 office. Parents are asked to bring the child's birth certificate or some other form of ID that clearly states the full legal name and date of birth. We offer places (subject to availability) from the term following the child's 3rd birthday and parents are contacted approximately six weeks before the start date.  We currently offer 15 hours of free provision over 5 mornings (8.30-11.30am) 

Reception Places: Children start Reception class (full-time school) in September of the academic year in which they turn 5.  

If your child was born between 01.09.20 and 31.08.21 then he/she will start Reception in September 2025. You must apply online between 1st September 2024 and 15th January 2025. To do this you will need an email address. We advise that you name three schools on your application, one of which should be your catchment school (to find out which is your catchment school please see the Kirklees website).

Applications made after the deadline will be considered as late and will only be processed after all on time applications have been dealt with. This will severely limit your chances of being allocated a place at our school. 

Parents will be notified of their child's allocated place by email in April 2025. 

Please note that attendance at our Nursery does not have any bearing on the admissions criteria for a Reception place. 

Please click here for a link to the application pages. 

During Reception Year children are seen by the school nurse, who measures height and weight. The optometrist also visits to do a simple sight test. Parents are notified in advance that these screenings will be taking place and it is possible to opt out. 

Year 1 - Year 6 places: 

For Year 1 to Year 6 enquiries, please contact the school office on 01484 452128 (Ext 202) for advice.  An In-year Common Application Form (ICAF) will need to be completed online through the Kirklees Council In-Year Admissions page.  Unless the year group your child is in is full, a place is usually allocated.  The local authority has up to date details about available places in school.  Parents can still appeal for a place for their child when the year group is full; though the process generally takes several weeks.

Transferring to High School (for parents of Year 6 children at Ashbrow): Applications for places to start High School in September 2025 must be made online between 1st September and 31st October 2024. Please click here for a link to the admissions pages. 

Parents of Year 2 children at Ashbrow: We would like to draw your attention to the fact that pupils in Year 2 will automatically progress to Year 3 as Ashbrow is a through primary school.  If parents wish to move their child to a Junior school from Year 3 then the application must be done online.  Applications can be done online from early November to 15 January. For further advice or information please contact School Admissions  (Tel. 01484 225007).
