Ashbrow School

Working Together for Children and Families

Ash Meadow Close, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1EX

01484 452128

Eco Council

Soon, our Eco councillors will be chosen and will meet to work through the process below.

Click here to visit the Eco Schools website for more information.

Step 1 Eco-Committee

A group of young people who, with the support of an Eco-Coordinator, are responsible for running the Eco-Schools programme in your school community.

Step 2 Environmental Review

A set of fact-finding questions linked to our 10 Eco-Schools topics that have been designed to help your Eco-Committee understand what environmental work your school is already doing, whilst inspiring further youth-led eco-actions.

Step 3 Action Plan

A working document to help your Eco-Committee plan and manage actions for 3 Eco-Schools Topics of their choice, which they will work on during the school year.

Step 4 Curriculum Links

Including environmental education in a variety of different curriculum areas educating a variety of year groups during the school year.

Step 5 Informing and Involving

Engaging the entire school and its wider community in eco-projects and actions for the 3 Eco-Schools topics chosen in Step 3: Action Plan.

Step 6 Monitoring and Evaluation

Assessing the impact of the topic work in your action plan, addressing what worked well, what needed adapting and how your Eco-Committee could develop their eco-actions in the future.

Step 7 Eco-Code

A whole school promise to protect the planet that reflects the topic work your Eco-Committee have completed in their Action Plan during the school year.